An athlete partnership with a difference.

Transforming your personal vision into existence.

The Vision is Everything

  • Brand Management

    Create or enhance a personal brand.

  • Local Community

    Serve local communities, schools or businesses.

  • Personal Development

    Expand opportunities and career development.

  • Ownership

    Set up a personal business, charity or enterprise.

  • Charity Awareness

    Support existing charities or foundations.

  • Sport Initiatives

    Aid the development of sport clubs or facilities.

  • Property Portfolio

    Build a commercial or residential portfolio.

  • Networking

    Establish entrepreneurial connections.

Transforming your personal vision into existence.

  • Athlete Consultation

    The start of your journey - Explore your options and discuss your personal aspirations.

    Whether an athlete’s vision is a personal passion or a larger operational project, we promise to make a difference and provide the tailored guidance required.

  • Plan of Action

    Our team of experts create a personalised plan to support your vision.

    Team S.M.L.S consist of sport managerial experts, specialised liaison consultants and professional property advisors. With over 10 years combined experience, the team collaborate to facilitate the transformation of an athlete’s personal vision into existence.

  • Tailored Guide

    We deliver a tailored guide and assist the transformation of your personal vision to existence.

    Each athlete is provided with their own consultant and personal liaison officer. Our liaison officers work closely with athletes to coordinate the administration between their vision, the consultancy and our trusted external partners.

  • Vision into Existence

    The final phase of the plan - the blueprint becomes a reality.

  • Liaison Support

    The Triple ‘A’ - Additional | Available | Assistance. Professional’s supporting your vision and aspirations.

  • Career Development

    Realise your aspirations. Develop your professional career on and off the field.

  • Charities & Foundations

    Contribute and make a difference. Influence a cause close to your heart.

  • Brand Development

    Take charge of the direction of your brand. Develop your brand exactly how you envision it.

  • Property Portfolio

    Create a generational legacy. Support yourself and your loved ones for a lifetime.